How to Apply as an International Student

威尼斯人平台欢迎来自世界各地的学生申请. 我们的学生来自超过45个国家. 雷德兰兹之所以伟大,部分原因在于我们的学生为校园社区带来了各种各样的经历和背景. At the University of Redlands, 国际学生是指即将入境的具有外国国籍的个人, or has already entered, the United States with a student visa.

We are now accepting applications for Fall 2024.

  First Year   Transfer
Spring 2024 November 1   November 1
(priority deadline)
Fall 2024

November 15 - Early Action


November 15 - Early Action

Fall 2024 January 15 - Regular Decision   March 1 - Regular Decision


Questions? Contact Ryan Donahue.

Application Checklist - First Year

- The Common Application,包括个人论文和威尼斯人平台的会员问题
- $50 application fee
- Official transcripts from all secondary schools attended
- Students whose native language is not English, 不能申请可选考试,并且可以通过提供以下分数之一来满足英语水平:
     550 SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
     21 ACT English and Reading Sections
     TOEFL minimum 80iBT/550 paper based
     IELTS minimum 6.5
     iTEP minimum 3.9
     Duolingo English Test (DET) minimum 105

- Certificate of Finances and proof of financial support

Application Checklist - Transfer

Common Application,包括论文和威尼斯人平台会员的问题或免费 University of Redlands Transfer Application
- $50 application fee
- Official transcripts from each university attended. If coursework was completed outside of the U.S. it must have a SpanTran,  IERF, or WES evaluation issued to the University of Redlands.
- Official transcripts from each secondary school attended, including proof of high school graduation
- Students whose native language is not English, 不能申请可选考试,并且可以通过提供以下分数之一来满足英语水平:
550 SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
21 ACT English and Reading Sections
TOEFL minimum 80iBT/550 paper based
IELTS minimum 6.5
iTEP minimum 3.9
Duolingo English Test (DET) minimum 105
完成一门美国大学英语写作课程.S. regionally accredited institution with a C grade or better                                                 
-Certificate of Finances and proof of financial support

有24个或更多可转移学期单位的学生.S. 地区认可机构必须以C级或以上成绩成功完成以下课程:
English Composition
Intermediate Algebra


Academic Merit and Talent Scholarships

Merit Scholarships
所有完成申请的学生都将被考虑申请基于成绩的奖学金,该奖学金是根据学业成绩颁发的, leadership, and service.
First Year Students - Merit Scholarships range in value up to $32,000. 
Transfer Students - Merit Scholarships range in value up to $21,000.

Talent scholarships
奖学金适用于艺术、创意写作、音乐和戏剧等领域. 学生必须计划攻读艺术、创意写作和戏剧方面的学术专业. Students interested in a music scholarship, 必须为合奏团做出贡献,或者选择主修或辅修专业. 参赛作品不得迟于1月15日提交. For full details and descriptions please visit our scholarship page.

Standardized Testing Policies

从2021年秋季入学周期开始,威尼斯人平台对大多数申请人采取了可选择考试的政策. This means students, whose native language is English, 如果他们认为自己的考试成绩不能真正反映他们在大学取得成功的潜力,他们可以选择不提交SAT或ACT成绩. Regardless of their decision to submit, 所有学生都将通过全面审查程序考虑录取和优秀奖学金. 


1. 我们将在通用申请中接受自我报告的考试成绩, however should a student choose to enroll, 官方成绩需要在第一学期开始前提交.
2. The writing portion for the SAT or ACT is not required.
3.  我们鼓励学生提交所有分数,因为我们会进行超级评分!  Superscoring means if you took the ACT or SAT two times, 我们将使用每个部分的最高分来创建您的分数.  

For a more in-depth look at our test optional policies, click here.

Students whose first language is not English, 可以通过提交以下考试成绩之一来达到英语水平:
550 SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
21 ACT English and Reading Sections
TOEFL minimum 80iBT/550 paper based
IELTS minimum 6.5
iTEP minimum 3.9
Duolingo English Test (DET) minimum 105

Johnston Center for Integrative Studies Applicants

Students interested in the Johnston Center 必须向威尼斯人平台和约翰斯顿综合研究中心提交申请. Applications can be submitted concurrently, 但是,在被威尼斯人平台录取之前,学生不会接受约翰斯顿中心的审查.

If you are interested in Johnston, please email Mattison Lord for more information on the application process. 学生将通过他们的申请状态门户网站收到此决定的通知.

约翰斯顿中心强烈鼓励参观校园,体验该项目强大的生活学习社区. Opportunities include overnight stays, classroom visits, and meetings with the Johnston Center Director, Tim Seiber.

Conservatory of Music Applicants

对于那些想主修或辅修音乐的人来说,入学时需要进行试镜. 有关音乐学院和要求的更多信息,请联系 Brad Andrews, Director of Music Admissions, at (909) 748-8014.

Letters of Recommendation

First Year
申请人需要提交两封推荐信-一封来自学院/威尼斯人平台顾问或其他威尼斯人平台官员, and a second from an academic teacher (science, math, English, history, (或外语)可以谈论申请人在课堂上的表现.


申请人须提交教授的学术评估. 通用申请有一个部分供申请人邀请他们的推荐人.


Conditional Admission

一年级的学生可以通过一个项目获得威尼斯人平台的有条件录取 Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey. Click here to learn more about conditional admission opportunities.

Cost and Financial Aid

可能会有额外的基于国际学生需求的援助. Click here 了解更多有关国际学生学杂费的信息.

Office of International Students and Scholars

The Office of International Students and Scholars 协助就读威尼斯人平台的国际学生, 提供研讨会和活动,帮助你适应威尼斯人平台和美国文化. For more information, please visit their website.

Redlands in Your Language


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